
Skin & Joint Injection Clinic


A single-injection hyaluronic acid treatment for knee osteoarthritis providing up 12 months of relief.

The Burden of Osteoarthritis

Millions of people are living with the painful and debilitating symptoms of Osteoarthritis (OA). When you have osteoarthritis of the knee, the hyaluronic acid breaks down and becomes diluted. This reduces its natural elastic properties, which can further degrade cartilage tissue and cause increased joint pain. This triggers inflammation and damage that causes pain and stiffness when you move your knee.

The chronic stiffness, swelling, and pain in the joints can severely limit mobility and hinder the quality of life. Osteoarthritis is not just a minor inconvenience; it’s a progressive disease that can lead to a drastic reduction in one’s ability to perform daily tasks. It affects not only the physical well-being but also the mental health of the sufferers. Current therapies may provide temporary relief but often fail to address the underlying cause of the symptoms. Furthermore, oral medications can have systemic side effects, while surgical interventions are invasive and can require prolonged recovery. The problem  is complex and often requires a multimodal approach.

inflammation of knee due to arthritis

DUROLANE is a natural, non-addictive, non-opioid therapy for osteoarthritis knee pain.

Introducing Durolane

DUROLANE is a unique, single-injection hyaluronic acid therapy that provides long-lasting pain relief from knee osteoarthritis. Hyaluronic acid (HA) in the knee acts as a lubricant and shock-absorber. 

The hyaluronic acid in DUROLANE has the same composition as the natural hyaluronic acid your body produces, but it’s in a highly concentrated formulation that’s been uniquely stabilized to help resist the degradation caused by osteoarthritis. DUROLANE is administered as a single-injection directly into the knee. We perform this in our clinic with ultrasound guidance for added precision ensuring it gets to the right place. 

DUROLANE gives you freedom from knee osteoarthritis pain, improving joint function and quality of life as early as 2 weeks after your treatment. and lasting 12 months or more.

durolane injection

Benefits of DUROLANE

Reduce Pain and Stiffness

As early as 2 weeks after an injection, DUROLANE can reduce OA joint pain and improve the physical activity and quality of life of OA patients. Some patients have pain relief lasting up to 12 months

Long Lasting

What makes DUROLANE different is its concentration of hyaluronic acid, which has been carefully stabilized to resist degradation, extending the time DUROLANE stays in the joint and adding to its long-lasting effect.


Introduced worldwide in 2001, DUROLANE has been tested in more clinical studies than any other single-injection hyaluronic therapy on the market. It is proven safe for repeated courses of therapy and provides longer-lasting pain relief versus steroid injections.11 The hyaluronic acid in DUROLANE is also derived from a nonanimal source to reduce any risk of allergic reaction.

You may be a good candidate for DUROLANE if you have been diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis and are:

  1. Not getting adequate pain relief from oral medications, physical therapy, or steroid injections.
  2. Not able to maintain regular joint movement because of growing knee stiffness and pain.
  3. Not engaging in the regular physical activities you enjoy because of a loss of knee strength or mobility.

Is Durolane Right for Me?

"We Use Precision Ultrasound To Guide Our Injections to Exactly Where They Are Needed - No Guessing"

Patient Testimonials

Your Journey With Us

Pain shouldn’t put your life on hold! When you are in pain you want the best possible treatment in a timely and convenient matter. Our patients come first and thats why we ensure a seamless pathway from consultation to treatment.

Appointment Booking

Discover the ease of scheduling appointments with our convenient online booking – your path to consult us when it works best for you. Curious about a treatment? Don’t hesitate to reach out! A dedicated member of our team is always ready to respond to your questions through a simple phone call or email. We can offer same day appointments giving you the reassurance you can get the best treatment when you really need it.


Your journey towards relief starts with a comprehensive consultation with our skilled doctor, who will attentively hear your concerns, conduct a thorough examination, and guide you towards the most beneficial course of action to alleviate your symptoms.

Procedure and Aftercare

knee ultrasound examination

If suitable, we provide the convenience of carrying out your ultrasound guided injection during the same visit as your consultation. This streamlined approach not only ensures you receive timely care, but also enhances your overall patient experience. Rest assured, we’ll equip you with comprehensive aftercare guidelines, and should you need us, follow-up appointments are readily available, so you’ll never feel left in the lurch.


Most patients report experiencing little pain or discomfort during the injection. Many doctors will apply a topical drug to numb the skin prior to giving the DUROLANE injection, which helps to minimize any pain or discomfort.

Risks can include transient pain or swelling at the injection site

The entire procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. DUROLANE is administered by a single injection into the affected knee joint with ultrasound guidance. Your doctor may advise you to avoid strenuous physical activities for a few days after your injection.

If you have knee osteoarthritis pain and the pain is not controlled by lifestyle changes or simple painkillers, you could be a candidate for DUROLANE treatment.

A steroid injection is used to reduce inflammation and pain. A steroid injection usually starts to work quicker than an injection of hyaluronic acid, but it doesn’t last as long. In clinical studies comparing steroid injections with DUROLANE treatment11 of patients with knee osteoarthritis, both treatments provided a reduction in knee pain and stiffness, but the benefits of the DUROLANE injection lasted several months longer and could be repeated without showing a decline in effect.

Yes. DUROLANE is clinically proven to be safe, even following repeated injections.

You should not use DUROLANE if you have infections or skin disease at the injection site. DUROLANE has not been tested in pregnant or lactating women, or children.

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